November 25, 2020

 Our favorite time of the year is here and this year we need it more than ever! Given the crazy year that 2020 has been, I'm so happy that the holidays are here. Decorating for Christmas is always a special time and something we love to do as a family. Specially now that George and I have kids of our own, we want to keep the traditions alive more than ever. I know these will be memories and moment we will cherish forever.

I plan to continue sharing our family traditions and Christmas decorations every year! I hope they inspire you and help give you all ideas for your home. We truly love Christmas and have so much fun when decorating. I love to play Christmas music, sing and dance around the house when decorating! This year Alessandra is older, so it's becoming more fun as she gets involved in decorating our house. It's fun seeing her little face light up with excitement. 

My dream is that she carries these memories and traditions with her for the years to come.I also hope she passes them down to her kids one day. In #TheMoralesHome Christmas time is the BEST time! Keep scrolling for pictures of our home and make sure to "Shop The Post" as the end. I will link everything I can for you guys. Happy decorating everyone!

xo, Kim